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integrated water resources management & decentralised system






地       点:Baltimore, Meryland, USA

integrated water resources management & decentralised systems conference

10-15 March 2007
Baltimore, Meryland, USA

Conference Announcement

Conference Brochure

Conference Schedule (Draft)   Registration Form  Visa Information

Website: www.nowra.org

The International program will provide sessions on accepted and new methods to achieving sustainability. New ideas, research findings, and case studies will be included.  Some of the innovative programs currently underway world-wide to be featured at the conference include:

  • Green Building Ratings - Australian homebuilders and engineers collaborate to rate water sustainability of urban infill developments by considering source, use, treatment, reuse, and disposal options.
  • Urban Drainage Modeling - All sectors of water use and treatment are being integrated at the watershed level in Australia.
  • Eco-Sanitation - Nutrients are being recycled into farming and biogas production for electric lights in rural Indian villages.
  • Managed Reuse in Commercial Buildings - Over 2,000 Japanese urban buildings collect and reuse graywater, blackwater, and roof runoff for landscaping and toilet flushing.
  • Roof Garden and Landscaping Ordinances - Green infrastructure substitutes for underground drainage systems reduce demand for water and enhance the aesthetics of urban living in Germany.
  • Biomimicry Research - British researchers are studying how nature does a much better job at membrane construction than current resource-intensive models.

It is the hope of NOWRA and the International Water Association that the knowledge shared and generated at this conference will stimulate action among policy officials, planners, educators, regulators, businesses, engineers, public administrators, and developers for the changes necessary for a sustainable, clean water future – Water for all Life. 


Contact: NOWRA
Tel: +1 800 966 2945
fax: +1 612 625 1263
Email: nowra@hanifin
Website: www.nowra.org


主题:打造新质供水 助力区

时间:09月25日-27日 地点:沈阳富力万达文华
