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时间:2024-08-22 09:39


近日,来自海防市(Hai Phong)人民委员会的消息称:“ 该市已决定指定经济区管理委员会作为招标方,选择投资者在庭武(Dinh Vu)实施采用发电焚烧技术的生活垃圾处理厂建设项目,总投资为 24,990 亿越盾。”

Hai Phong prepares to select investors

 for the Dinh Vu garbage power plant project 

of nearly 2,500 billion VD

It is expected that in June 2024, the Management Board of Hai Phong Economic Zone will begin to organize the selection of investors for the domestic solid waste treatment plant project using electricity generation incineration technology in Dinh Vu.

预计在 2024 年 6 月,海防(Hai Phong)经济区管理委员会将开始组织关于在庭武(Dinh Vu)利用垃圾焚烧发电技术建设生活固体垃圾处理厂的投资者遴选工作。

On April 19th, sources from the Hai Phong People's Committee said that this city has decided to assign the Management Board of the Economic Zone as the bidding party to select investors to carry out the construction project of a domestic solid waste treatment plant using electricity generation incineration technology in Dinh Vu, with a total investment of 2,499 billion VND.

4 月 19 日,来自海防市(Hai Phong)人民委员会的消息称:“ 该市已决定指定经济区管理委员会作为招标方,选择投资者在庭武(Dinh Vu)实施采用发电焚烧技术的生活垃圾处理厂建设项目,总投资为 24,990 亿越盾。”

The investment project to build a domestic solid waste treatment plant using combustion technology with energy recovery to generate electricity in Dinh Vu (Dong Hai 2 ward, Hai An district) has a total investment of 2,499 billion VND, a processing capacity of 1,000 tons of domestic waste/day, and electricity generation is about 20MW. The project will have a usable scale of about 10.56ha of land, of which, the factory construction area is about 9.54ha, and the area for building roads connecting to the outside is about 1.02ha.

在庭武(Dinh Vu)——海防市(Hai Phong)海安县(Hai An) 2 区 ,投资建设利用燃烧技术回收能源发电的生活固体垃圾处理厂项目,总投资为 24,990 亿越盾,处理能力为每天 1,000 吨生活垃圾, 发电功率约为 20 兆瓦。该项目可使用土地规模约为 10.56 公顷,其中工厂建筑面积约为 9.54 公顷,与外部连接的道路建筑面积约为 1.02 公顷。

Accordingly, the factory is invested in advanced technology, synchronously meeting the goal of thoroughly treating domestic solid waste for Hai Phong City and neighboring areas to save resources, protect the environment and people's health for the goal of sustainable development, and at the same time, meet the goal of supplementing electrical energy sources for Vietnam Electricity.

因此,该厂投资先进技术,同步实现为海防市(Hai Phong)及周边地区彻底处理生活固体废弃物的目标,以节约资源、保护环境和人民健康,实现可持续发展的目标,同时也实现为越南电力公司补充电力能源的目标。

The project will have the main works including a garbage truck bridge, garbage storage tank, incinerator, dust treatment system, exhaust gas, chimney, generator turbine house, and auxiliary works (leach water treatment, furnace bottom slag treatment, fly ash treatment plant, auxiliary fuel oil tank, substation) and temporary post-treatment fly ash dump (can contain the amount of fly ash after treatment for about 2 years of operation). In addition, the project also has the items of operation manager, road technical infrastructure system, and drainage system.

本项目的主要工程包括垃圾车桥、垃圾储罐、焚烧炉、粉尘处理系统、废气、烟囱、发电机汽轮机房、辅助工程(浸出水处理、炉底渣处理、粉煤灰处理厂、辅助燃料油箱、变电站)和处理后粉煤灰临时堆场(可容纳处理后的粉煤灰量,运行时间约 2 年)。此外,项目还有运行管理人员、道路技术基础设施系统、排水系统等项目。

The operating time of the project is 30 years, from the date of the City People's Committee Hai Phong promulgates a decision to lease land for project implementation. The progress of capital contribution and capital mobilization according to the construction progress of the project's works, the basic construction progress, and the commissioning of the works is December 2025.

该项目经营期限为30年,自海防市人民委员会颁布租赁土地实施项目决定之日起计算。出资和资金筹集进度根据项目工程建设进度 和基本建设进度,工程投产时间为2025年12月。




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