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时间:2024-09-26 14:20


9月24日,上海康恒环境股份有限公司与印度尼西亚望加锡市政府签署望加锡生活垃圾焚烧发电项目特许经营协议,印尼海洋与投资协调部能源助理副部长Ridha Yasser博士与望加锡环境局、KPPIP、财政局、政府采购政策局以及经济协调局等部门领导共同见证签约成果。

On September 24th, Shanghai SUS Environment Co., Ltd. and the Makassar City Government of Indonesia formally signed the Concession Agreement for the Makassar Waste-to-Energy Project. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Dr. Ridha Yasser, Assistant Deputy Minister of Energy of Maritime and Investment Coordination Ministry, as well as leaders from the Makassar Environmental Department, KPPIP, Finance Department, Government Procurement Policy Bureau, and Economic Coordination Department.


签约仪式上,印尼海洋与投资协调部能源助理副部长Ridha Yasser表示:“该项目的落地是印尼迈向清洁能源未来的重要一步。引入先进的垃圾处理技术不仅能帮助印尼解决城市垃圾问题,还能为国家能源结构优化作出贡献。”

At the signing ceremony, Dr. Ridha Yasser, Assistant Deputy Minister of Energy, stated, "The implementation of this project represents a pivotal advancement in Indonesia's transition to a clean energy future. The introduction of advanced waste treatment technology will not only help Indonesia address its municipal waste issues but also contribute to optimizing the country's energy structure."



Jiao Xuejun, Chief Technology Officer of SUS ENVIRONMENT, stated, "The Makassar Waste-to-Energy Project is not only a crucial component of SUS Environment's global strategic blueprint but also a significant milestone in Indonesia's march towards a green energy era and the innovation of its waste management system." 

He further emphasized that SUS would leverage its technological and managerial strengths to ensure the simultaneous achievement of environmental, social, and economic benefits, working alongside various sectors in Indonesia to promote environmental protection and contribute to the well-being of local communities and global environmental improvement.



The waste-to-energy project, located in Makassar, the capital of South Sulawesi Province in Indonesia, has a construction scale of 1,300 t/d and is equipped with 2 x 650 t/d incineration lines and a 1 x 35MW turbine & generator. 


The project is expected to commence construction in 2024 with an estimated total investment of approximately USD 200 million, with operations scheduled to begin by the end of 2026. With a total investment of approximately USD 200 million, the project is expected to commence construction in 2024 and commence operations by the end of 2026. The project will address Indonesia's urgent waste management challenges while also significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

During construction, it will create numerous job opportunities for the local community and drive the development of related industries in Indonesia, reinforcing the country's commitment to  carbon neutrality goals and sustainable development efforts.


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